Cleaning and disinfection agent

PROFIMAX SPD 100 is a liquid concentrate for cleaning and disinfecting water-resistant surfaces and accessories that come into contact with food.
Detailed description
It is recommended for using on all floor
and above-floor surfaces (counters, tables etc.),
as well as appliances (slicing machines, bain
maries, cold rooms etc.). Particularly recommended
for maintaining microbiological cleanliness
at facilities applying the HACCP system
(kitchens, cafeterias, food warehouses, grocery
stores and food industry facilities). Product intended
for manual and machine cleaning, as well
as for cleaning with the use of foam generator.
- disinfects
- has degreasing properties
- approved for contact with food
- permit for biocidal product marketing no.
How to use
The dosage depends on the effect expected. Antibacterial disinfection: 1% functional solution
(990 ml of water + 10 ml of SPD 100) - antibacterial effect within 5 minutes
Fully disinfecting effect: 5% functional solution (950 ml of water + 50 ml of SPD 100) - complete disinfection within 15 minutes: bacteria and fungi. Surfaces coming in contact with food have to be rinsed with potable water. Facilities can be used directly after cleaning and disinfection are finished.